Teri MacDonald, Waitakere Senior Women's player and New Zealand U18 Representative, was named as one of this years' Tania Dalton Foundation Scholarship recipients and is hoping to make her mark in and out of the pool. “It’s a special opportunity to be part of the Tania Dalton Foundation. I am very lucky to have former boardsailor Barbara Kendall as my mentor and Solution Street as my financial funder.” MacDonald said. 12 women were selected on a variety of circumstances, but demonstrated leadership and role model qualities and had a desire to better themselves in life and their sport. “It already feels like we have a strong sisterhood amongst the girls and am looking forward to seeing how we all grow, support and encourage each other over the next three years,” says MacDonald. Already 100% committed to water polo, MacDonald travels to Auckland from Hamilton every Wednesday evening to attend training with the Waitakere Senior Women, and says the financial support of the scholarship will make this so much easier on her and her family. Click the link to read more.